Thursday, January 24, 2008

The short version

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The Trial went heavily in our favor. Yeah! Chris and the boys are wearing Molly out and they are all loving the new parenting plan. The financial burden is still big and has been the only thing keeping all of the new time expansion from being in place. The parental investigator is $1,500.00 every six months and the counseling is $140.00 per month. Chris and Molly have been able to handle the first two payments for the CM but, the counseling took six months to get going due to the money issues. I know they are extremely grateful for the help and support so far. This would not be happening with out it. Molly's work loaned them the second payment which they paid back a few weeks later. Thanks a tone! that saved the bonus summer time. We are trying to help raise money for the counseling and the case manager payment in September. Remember to spread the word.