Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Whats going on

I started this blog to inform and updated people about what is going on in our efforts to have more time with our boys and to give people the opportunity to help us raise money in the fight for our family.

As most of you know Chris has been continually screwed over by his ex-wife for the last, almost, 12 years. She has done her best to burry him in paper work and a huge mountain of legal fees, not to mention the back child support debt caused by him being unable to work due to his broken neck. She knows that this is the only thing keeping us from kicking her butt. Those of you who see us on a regular basis know how much time and work we have done for our attorney and still are indebt to him.

Chris' work has been going better for the last few years which allowed us to make progress and last year we kicked her butt and won with a new parenting plan. That plan was written up and we were on our way to more time with the boys and had a great Christmas. Then the crap hit the fan again, just like is always seems to. Heidi accused Chris, again, of molesting the boys. She has tried this tactic in the past and Chris has been cleared every time. But she knows that all she has to do is make an allegation against him and it will take a lot of time and money to clear it up. So here we go round the mulberry bush again. (This bush is really getting old.)

The Commissioner decided that due to the nature of the allegations it would be better to be safe than sorry and the investigation would also allow us to once and for all prove that Heidi was using these tactics falsely. The court order stated that the mother volunteered to pay the fees up from to get the investigation going. So we were onboard and totally ready and willing for an investigator to come in. We called up the investigator and got her going. Then we found out that Heidi was refusing to pay for it. The investigator told us that this was pretty typical and that she had only agreed to make a showing for the court. So now we have to come up with $8,000.00. The good part of all of this is the investigator told us that in cases where the custodial party has made several false allegations she has recommended a change of custody.

We are hoping that if we can get all of our friends and family to throw a couple dollars into the hat we can come up with the money, get more time with our kids, and hopefully once and for all get past all this crap.

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